After movie SmartDocuments customer day 2019

After movie SmartDocuments customer day 2019

On the 19th of September 2019, it was once again time for the SmartDocuments customer day! A large turnout of customers, partners, and others gathered in the morning in the big reception hall of the Apenheul Primate Park, a zoo in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. The day was filled with news, experiences, chats, and, of course, monkeys!BeingSmart The day started with …

Facilitated! Your Facility Needs Taken Care Of

Facilitated! Your facility needs taken care of blog

Healthcare, government, education, and large corporations: four very different sectors but with common needs. One such need is facility management. After all, without properly functioning facilities, every task takes longer than necessary. Whether you supply a regional hospital, are responsible for the sales of a multinational company, or provide education to hundreds of inquisitive children, you’re greatly helped by well-organized …