Getting Started with Digitally Accessible Documents

When you are getting started with digital accessibility, sooner or later you are also going to be dealing with all of your organization’s digital documents. You want to ensure that the information you provide through documents is perceivable to every recipient. How do you tackle this transformation as an organization?  We are increasingly engaged in digital communication on all sorts …

From Word template to interactive document: document creation simplified

From Word template to interactive document

Efficient document creation: you can make it happen with smart templates, provided with the right standard elements and well-thought-out variable parts! Let’s take a tour through the wonderful world of smart templates and automated document creation – from building a new template, to drafting your document.Tired of fiddling with documents in Microsoft Word for hours on end? Just when you …

Automated document creation – the key to the perfect quotation

Automated document creation – the key to the perfect quotation

We don’t need to tell you: quotations can make or break a sales deal. And you know a good quotation is more than just an attractive price. Curious how you can use document automation without compromising the quality of your quotation? We’ve got just the thing! It may be the most vital aspect of your job in Sales: the right …

How to infuse every document in your organization with your identity

How to infuse every document in your organization with your identity

Imagine this: all of your organization’s outgoing documents in the correct corporate identity. Sound like a utopia? If so, read on. Utopia is within your grasp.Visual identity First things first: you may not have heard the term “corporate identity” before. A corporate identity is the visual identity of an organization or company – a conscious way of presenting yourself to …

How the Right Template Ensures You Create Digitally Accessible Documents

How the right template ensures you create Digitally Accessible Documents

If you work in a medium or large organization and deal with sending out letters or supplying documents to stakeholders, you may be familiar with Digital Accessibility. How do you ensure that all information you share with your target audience is available to everyone? How do you make digital documents accessible in an efficient way? We at SmartDocuments have the …

How to use smart templates to make a personalized employment contract

Are you responsible for HR in a medium-sized to large organization? If so, you probably spend a chunk of your time drawing up and managing employment contracts and other agreements. How do you minimize the paperwork so you can focus on the human side of your noble profession? Grab some popcorn – we’ve whipped up something good. If you work …

Manage rights in software for document creation

Manage user rights banner

Thanks to interactive templates, the entire organization can create documents on their own. That’s a wonderful thing! But you, as the organization, do in fact keep control over these templates. How? With proper user rights management.After the end of a concert, you don’t just waltz right backstage. That’s because you’re not authorized. Unless you’re a huge groupie, the idea probably …

Document output in DOCX, ODT, XML, PDF or HTML: you decide

Document output in docx, odt, xml, pdf or html

You’ve gone through the wizard, had a good look over the preview, and voilà: your document is ready. Now you just need to decide the form of your personalized document. A printout in your hand, a digital doc by email, or an XML file? You’ve got loads of options! (And we only named three.)Generate documents as DOCX, ODT or XML …

Duplo for adults: the SmartDocuments building blocks

Building blocks for template management

New year, fresh corporate identity! A tweak to the shade of the corporate colors, a hip font, and a logo that’s “a bit more with the times”. Outstanding. And who’s going to apply these changes to the hundreds of document templates in the organization? The template builder. Who’s already getting queasy just thinking about it. (Oh, are you the template …

What is Document Creation

What is document creation blog banner

Why document creation? The creation of documents. It’s almost an assembly line of work within organizations. One would therefore think that a wonderful software package would be used to generate all these documents as standard. But no, many companies still adapt each individual element in their documents manually. Error-prone? Yes, it is. Can this be done differently? Absolutely. Suppose you …