SmartDocuments Template Builder: make templates with the Word functionality you know and love

Working with SmartDocuments when you were so used to good old Microsoft Word. As a die-hard MS Word fan, it’s hard to imagine a better software environment. Surprise! Nothing will change in the slightest when you switch to SmartDocuments. Well, not nothing… Naturally you get a nice dose of automation! But you can simply keep using all those old and …

Keep your document templates backed up with SmartDocuments version management

Template building: a job for anyone who loves a challenge. One does not “simply” make, refresh and edit templates. As a template manager, you know that better than anyone. So you want to be able to test your templates. And what if no one likes a change to an existing template? You’ll want to reinstate the old version ASAP. With …

Testing your interactive document template

You’ve got dinner guests, and you decide to take a stab at that complicated recipe from that celebrity chef. Of course you taste the result thoroughly before you serve it to your guests. That’s just common sense! You always test something the first time you try it out. Right? This same goes for an interactive document template. However steadfast your …

Working with template styles: the foundation of a professional brand image

Optimal uniformity in all your organization’s internal and external communications. With the right software, it’s easier than you think. If you set up your document templates right, you’re already ahead of the game, but a proper template style (in the right corporate identity) perfects your documents.Recognition. With a single glance at your letter, the recipient knows who the sender is. …