Corona Statement SmartDocuments

Reports on the coronavirus (COVID-19) follow each other in rapid succession. Television, radio, and social media are teeming with reports of the latest developments and measures. The pace at which the news alternates is sometimes almost impossible to keep up with. At SmartDocuments, we understand that this crisis brings with it many uncertainties for each one of you. But, we believe, together, we stand strong. It is, therefore, important that everyone pulls out all the stops. At SmartDocuments, we are aware of our social responsibility.
Measures in the workplace
It goes without saying that we adhere strictly to the RIVM guidelines in force and to the advice of the authorities, not only for ourselves but also to ensure the well-being of customers, partners, and loved ones. That is why the majority of our employees work from home. In this way, we keep occupancy on the work floor to a minimum. Employees working at our office in Deventer are required to adhere to strict hygiene measures and to keep a distance of 1.5 meters at all times.
Technology stands for nothing
In times like these, technology is indispensable. Fortunately, technology holds few secrets for us as a software company. All our employees, whether at home or in the office, are easily accessible. Our meetings, both internally and with customers or partners, are currently all held online.
What do you notice of the measures taken?
We hope as little as possible. SmartDocuments can be reached both by phone and e-mail at the times you are used to (on working days from 8.30 - 17.00 hours). Will there be no changes at all? Yes, there will be. At the moment, we do not receive any visits at our office, and we do not make any visits ourselves. If desired, we can help you remotely. Would you like to know more about our remote services? Don't hesitate to call or e-mail us!
In the fight against the coronavirus, additional measures may be taken in our country in the near future. Should the situation change to such an extent that this has consequences for you as a customer, we will, of course, inform you immediately. And do you have any questions about new developments? Then we are ready to answer these questions.
Do you have any questions or remarks in response to this message? Then please get in touch with us. We wish all our customers and partners the best of luck in the coming period. Together we will get through this!