Our expert tips – Creating Digitally Accessible Documents

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In the transformation to digitally accessible documents, several elements in your document come into play. You’ll need to make specific adjustments to ensure the modified document meets the guidelines for accessibility. Which document elements are known to require conversion for digital accessibility? We’re here to share our insights and help you navigate this process!Converting documents to digitally accessible documents requires …

Administrative Assistants: Create Documents Quick and Flawless

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When working in administration, you are engaged in precise but time-consuming work: creating documents. A mistake is easily made and reusing previous versions of a document more often works to your disadvantage than to your advantage. How can you create error-free documents and manage them easily? We have the solution for just that!In administration, you undoubtedly work with a lot …

Sensitive data unprotected?

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Is your company aware how easily documents containing sensitive information could end up going public? For example, are the programmes you use to support your processes sufficiently well secured, minimising the risk of data breaches?Privacy and data protection are important A process support programme enables organizations to create and edit documents more effectively and efficiently. Think, for example, about how …

Small errors with big consequences

Small errors with big consequences blog banner

We all know the feeling; a slight distraction and your focus is gone. However little the distraction, such moments might have disastrous consequences. This is even more true when you’re processing large amounts of different documents – all of them of importance. Especially if a task is lengthy and repetitive, errors are more likely to slip in. SmartDocuments helps you …

Smart Templates

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Work more efficiently thanks to Intelligent Document Templates You want your outgoing communication to be uniform. A fixed set-up for all your company documents, provided with your corporate identity. After all, your company and the associated communication must be recognisable to the client. Nevertheless, this process is always a little more difficult than you’d like. What do you do about …

Working with template styles: the foundation of a professional brand image

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Optimal uniformity in all your organisation’s internal and external communications. With the right software, it’s easier than you think. If you set up your document templates right, you’re already ahead of the game, but a proper template style (in the right visual identity) perfects your documents.Recognition. With a single glance at your letter, the recipient knows who the sender is. …

SmartDocuments Template Builder: make templates with the Word functionality you know and love

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Working with SmartDocuments when you were so used to good old Microsoft Word. As a die-hard MS Word fan, it’s hard to imagine a better software environment. Surprise! Nothing will change in the slightest when you switch to SmartDocuments. Well, not nothing… Naturally you get a nice dose of automation! But you can simply keep using all those old and …

How to use smart templates to make a personalised employment contract

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Are you responsible for HR in a medium-sized to large organisation? If so, you probably spend a chunk of your time drawing up and managing employment contracts and other agreements. How do you minimise the paperwork so you can focus on the human side of your noble profession? Grab some popcorn – we’ve whipped up something good. If you work …

How to infuse every document in your organisation with your visual identity

How to infuse every document in your organization with your identity blog banner

Imagine this: all of your organization’s outgoing documents in the correct corporate identity. Sound like a utopia? If so, read on. Utopia is within your grasp.Visual identity First things first: you may not have heard the term “corporate identity” before. A corporate identity is the visual identity of an organisation or company – a conscious way of presenting yourself to …

Automated document creation – the key to the perfect quotation

Automated document creation – the key to the perfect quotation blog banner

We don’t need to tell you: quotations can make or break a sales deal. And you know a good quotation is more than just an attractive price. Curious how you can use document automation without compromising the quality of your quotation? We’ve got just the thing! It may be the most vital aspect of your job in Sales: the right …