Send emails directly from your document creation tool

Send emails directly from your document creation tool blog banner

Document templates. They give your outgoing correspondence an appealing and uniform look. You can quickly conjure up sharp-looking business documents with your corporate identity. Wouldn’t it be great if you could do the same with your outgoing emails?Consistency makes for a strong brand identity It bears repeating: the magic word in building a strong brand is consistency. Your brand only …

Keep all your user registrations up to date with the right link to the (Azure) Active Directory

Be it new hires or departing employees, processing these changes can pose a time-consuming challenge for larger organisations. Contracts have to be drawn up and a wide variety of administrative processes have to be initiated, and additionally, all of these employees have to be registered and deregistered in the organisation’s systems. Your task: keeping all of your business system user …

Document output in DOCX, ODT, XML, PDF or HTML: you decide

SmartDocuments output types DOCX PDF ODT and XML blog banner

You’ve gone through the wizard, had a good look over the preview, and voilà: your document is ready. Now you just need to decide the form of your personalised document. A printout in your hand, a digital doc by email, or an XML file? You’ve got loads of options! (And we only named three.)Generate documents as DOCX, ODT or XML …

Co-authoring in document creation

Working on one document with multiple people seems efficient but regularly generates frustration. For example, John from Marketing has already put the conclusion in the document, while Jenny from Sales was supposed to look at the content first. It’s nice to hear that Jack is working so far ahead… but hopefully, he also likes doing things twice over!Co-chaos Co-authoring is …

Testing your interactive document template

Testing interactive document templates blog banner

You’ve got dinner guests, and you decide to take a stab at that complicated recipe from that celebrity chef. Of course you taste the result thoroughly before you serve it to your guests. That’s just common sense! You always test something the first time you try it out. Right? This same goes for an interactive document template. However steadfast your …

Find your documents anytime, anywhere

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Finally! It’s 5:36 p.m. on Friday evening, and you’ve just finished your last document of the week. Time to shut down the laptop. It was another productive week with an impressive volume of documents sent off, off and away. Always a great feeling! Two weeks later, Joyce from Customer Service visits your office. Ms. Jones received the lease you prepared …

Manage rights in software for document creation

Thanks to interactive templates, the entire organisation can create documents on their own. That’s a wonderful thing! But you, as the organisation, do in fact keep control over these templates. How? With proper user rights management.After the end of a concert, you don’t just waltz right backstage. That’s because you’re not authorised. Unless you’re a huge groupie, the idea probably …