Document automation for Housing Organisations

Optimising customer-orientation by automating Document Creation.

Document creation housing corporations

Consistency and compliancy in every single document

Improve efficiency with our smart templates and minimise the administrative burden of creating new documents. Ensure consistency and compliancy across all documents in your organisation when with building blocks for recurring content and automating the insertion of variable data.


Generate personalised documents

Create error-free documents in no time, maintaining a consistent house style and sending personalised documents on the go. Save time and expenses while gaining time to improve your customer service. Our modern integration layer makes your job even easier, connecting our software to your ERP, DMS and case systems.

Document automation for housing corporations

Create and optimize

SmartDocuments ensures Document Generation in an instant.

  • Personalize documents automatically by connecting existing systems in your organisation with our modern integration layer
  • Improve efficiency and relieve work pressure for employees
  • Manage all templates in one central system and decrease the sprawl of templates in your organisation
  • Ensure consistency across all documents with building blocks for recurring content
  • Reduce compliancy risks and errors due to manual labor by automating document creation
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SmartDocuments app

The SmartDocuments app app lets you create documents from your phone or tablet. Imagine being able to generate documents, such as tenant contracts, wherever you are. On site, on the road or at home.

Sound interesting?

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Tomas Hydfeldt

Tomas Hydfeldt

Senior Account manager UK