SmartDocuments is ISO 27001 certified!

ISO 27001 certified by TUV news banner

On the 19th of January, our organisation received the ISO 27001 certificate from TÜV Nederland. ISO 27001 is the global benchmark for information security. The standard describes how information can be secured in a process-based manner.

SmartDocuments is continuously in development to meet our own standard and that of our customers, but also to be able to comply with laws and regulations. We recognise the importance of information security and handle all information provided to us, with care. This is why we applied for the ISO 27001 certification of our organisation. The way SmartDocuments handles information, and whether data is properly secured, was investigated during an independent and professional examination. The examination proved our organisation met all ISO 27001 requirements.

We are proud to have been awarded the certificate!

Keurmerk logo ISO 27001