What is Document Template Management?

Wat is document template management blog

Consistency is key when it comes to corporate identity and branding. However, unfortunately, it's not the norm. Consistent House style implementation can be more difficult than you might imagine. People generally start from scratch instead of working with structured templates.

Unnecessary errors

Imagine you have to write a letter to your clients or constituents. It would be great if you could get ahold of a standardised document or if you could quickly edit a previously used letter. As soon as you find something useful, you're ready to get started. Modify the document wherever necessary and add your new text. Your colleague will check the finished letter, and you're good to go: let's send that letter. Another daily to-do list task can be marked off.

The described situation probably sounds familiar. Nobody enjoys reinventing the wheel, especially when plenty of ‘wheels’ are already in your computer’s file system. And we agree. But ask yourself this: are you sure you sent a properly compiled document?

Did you double-check the logo? Is the color scheme and layout correct? Are the standard texts up to date with company guidelines? Is the document in line with the current accessibility standards? At first glance, it probably all seemed OK, but remember that small changes in style and tone of voice are difficult to notice. So, it's possible that the letter you created did not fully comply with the current guidelines for the corporate identity. Could you have prevented that? Well, yes. How? Read on, and we'll explain.

What is document template management?

Document template management – it’s an impressive term, but what does it mean? It's something we get asked regularly. Document template management is the guarantee of communicating consistently and correctly. In one central system, you create and store your document templates. Everyone within the organisation uses the same system; therefore, they always have access to the latest template versions.

Document typing

Optimalised version management: no messing around!

Who is to say colleagues won’t mess around in the template itself? The beautiful thing about standardised work is that edits to the template itself can only be made by those authorised to do so. This means only they can edit house style elements or standardised texts, for example. End users can personalise the document without accidentally changing the original template. We call this optimised version management. Personalising templates always happens in the most recent versions.

Making templates easy to find

Centralised management of document templates is the future. This development is useful to both small and large organisations. Small organisations have fewer employees, so efficiency is key. A document template management system will improve the ability to locate templates easily. Never again will you need to scroll through your folders for hours on end. The amount of time saved is even higher for organisations with many departments and many employees (and time is money). An additional advantage: the templates are created easily in Microsoft Word - a program most people are familiar with.

No more worrying about document creation

In modern template management systems (like SmartDocuments), you easily create templates that are useable for years to come. And, just as easily, you can create new dynamic templates every day of the week.

A template management system is essential if you want to keep your corporate identity consistent. That this system also frees up time and prevents frustration from happening is highly important.

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