Our story

Active worldwide
in over 40 countries

500+ customers
in all kinds of markets

ad hoc documents per year
“Why make things more difficult than they need to be?”
It was with this attitude that Marco Drost started SmartDocuments in 1994. Convinced that document automation results in greater efficiency, he worked hard to build smart software solutions. Our goal is to provide organizations with simple and flexible software that enables them to create documents and manage templates with minimal effort, using trusted programs, working smarter, faster, and completely compliant with their corporate identity.
With a shared passion for innovation, our team is constantly working to renew and improve the software so that you can focus on your core business; the things you're good at and what gives you energy.
“More time and focus to do what you are good at.”
Why choose SmartDocuments?

Core Value
Innovation through job satisfaction

Ethical / Sustainable
Investing in the environment and the younger generation

A combination of the young and the experienced for creative collaboration

Fair and transparent communication

Working efficiently in sprints using the Scrum method

Experienced trainers
Masters of training and coaching

Skilled consultants
Whether it's setting up the software or creating templates, our consultants know how to fix it

Quick service
Certified, knowledgeable, and more than helpful

Passion for food
Amateur chefs and lovers of dishes from around the world
Meet the team!

Matthias Aarts

Jan van den Bosch
Senior Account Manager

Erwin Brinkhuis
Solution Architect

Linda Broeksteeg
Project Manager

Juliane Buch
Marketing & PR D/A/CH

Sven Buick
Head of Sales & Partners D/A/CH

Freek de Cloet
Infrastructure Architect

Kees van Daalen
Software Developer

Roel Dortmans

Marco Drost
CEO & Founder

Mischa Ebbing
DevOps Engineer

Geurt van Elk
Service Desk

Maaike Erents
Business Development Specialist US

Eugene Gvozdetsky
Software Developer

Tomas Hydfeldt
VP SmartDocuments Nordic AB

Mitchel Japink
Project Manager

Ben Kamphuis
General Director

Iddo Kerkhof
AI Research Engineer

Nathalie Kok
Sales Support

Paulus Kruijer
Software Developer

Paul te Lindert

Robert Loppersum

Dick Megelink
Product Owner

Conraad Meijer
HR-, QA- Manager

Jan Nijland
Service Desk
Tom Nijland
Account Manager
Aydin Nikkhoo
Consultant D/A/CH
Rik Overvelde
Software Developer
Negin Samavati
UX Designer

Jelle Sanderse
Pascal Sauermann
Consultant DACH

Angelique Savelkoel
Sales Support

Geertjan Schotpoort

Waruzjan Shahbazian
André Sligman
Senior Account Manager

Kees-Jan van Sonsbeeck

Annelien Teeninga

Björn Tempelman

Annemiek Tieben
Project Manager

Rik van Veldhuizen

Lisette Veldwijk
Financial Administration

Niek Versteege
DevOps Architect

Christoph Winkelmann
Senior Account Manager D/A/CH